Seller policy

Policy for Merchants

As a merchant on our platform, you are a vital part of our community. To ensure a positive experience for both sellers and buyers, we have established the following policies. Please read and adhere to these guidelines to maintain a successful and compliant store on our marketplace.

  1. 1. Eligibility and Registration
  • Merchant Account: All merchants must register for a seller account to list products on by visiting “Become a Seller” page. Accurate and complete information must be provided during registration, including business name, contact information, and payment details.
  • Legal Compliance: Merchants must comply with all applicable laws and regulations of KSA, including those related to business licensing, tax obligations, and consumer protection.
  • Age Requirement: Merchants must be at least 18 years old or the legal age of majority in their jurisdiction to sell on the platform.
  1. 2. Product Listings and Content
  • Accuracy: All product listings must be accurate, complete, and not misleading. Descriptions, images, and other content must represent the actual product being sold.
  • Prohibited Items: Merchants are prohibited from listing illegal, counterfeit, or restricted items. A detailed list of prohibited items can be found in our [Prohibited Items Policy]
  • Intellectual Property Rights: Merchants must respect intellectual property rights. Only products that you own or have the legal right to sell can be listed. Copyrighted images, logos, or text must not be used without permission.
  • Quality Standards: Products must meet quality standards and be free from defects. Merchants must accurately describe the condition of used or refurbished items
  1. 3. Pricing and Payments
  • Pricing: Merchants are responsible for setting their own prices, which must be fair and competitive. Price gouging or deceptive pricing practices are prohibited.
  • Payment Processing: All transactions must be processed through Runsouq's secure payment gateway. Merchants are prohibited from directing customers to make payments outside the platform.
  • Fees and Commissions: Runsouq charges a commission on each sale. The current commission rate and other applicable fees are detailed in our [Pricing Policy].
  • Payouts: Merchant earnings will be disbursed on a regular schedule as outlined in the [Payout Policy]. It is the merchant's responsibility to ensure that their payment information is up-to-date.
  1. 4. Order Fulfillment and Shipping
  • Timely Fulfillment: Merchants must fulfill orders within the timeframe specified in their listings. Failure to do so may result in order cancellation and penalties.
  • Shipping Practices: Products must be packaged securely and shipped using packaging material provided by Runsouq.
  • Product Dimensions: Merchants must clearly state product dimensions, weights for clear understanding in the system
  • Return and Refund Policy: If customer has requested for return due to any valid return reason merchant has to respond with in 48 hours. Failure to response means that merchant is accepting the return and Runsouq will be processing with the refund to customer as per the policy.

Merchants must have a clear and fair return and refund policy that complies with Runsouq's guidelines. This policy must be clearly communicated in product listings.

  1. 5. Amendments and Updates
  • Policy Changes: Runsouq reserves the right to update or amend these policies at any time. Merchants will be notified of significant changes via email or through their merchant dashboard.
  • Acceptance of Terms: By continuing to use as a merchant, you agree to abide by the most current version of this policy.

